Saturday, November 8, 2008

In the middle of the night!

Well well!
I just got this weird -undefined- urge to blog. That's just completly insane, now isn't it, thinking of my drive in blogging O-o;.
Anyway, to be honest I don't really have that much on my mind, or I don't think so o_O,
- Right now I have been told to think of what I want to do.
I have for a while been working as a concrete worker in Copenhagen, to earn money - but also having the advantage of being in the -socalled- 'capital' of freaking Denmark. In some way that have been funny being around nice people -whenIhadthefreakingtime- but the work is just dreadful and so uninspiering as nothing alike.
or I must find a job, here in Jutland, in the middle of -freaking- nowhere.
I somehow turn towards Copenhagen, but still it was kinda stressing.

No-then. what else? xD
I've got myself a new Youtube account, where I post *cough*cough* myself talking of -likefreaking- nothing really. I gúess alot of people do that so why not me to? xD
You have to dig it, cause I tell you to! *demands*

Right now I like stoned, in my bed with my computer on my knees, watching "DR-UDLAND" (DR-abroad). Telling stories about terrible conditions on Turkey's children's home, and Chinese people devoloping fatness-epidemic alike the western, because the economic growth. That's just sad.

Anyways. Im tired. You might understand, *points to the time*

BAIBAI! おやすみなさい! ¥。¥

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