Saturday, May 8, 2010

u p d a t e .

Hey peepz.
This is just like, a little update, since yea, I'm actually at the computer for ones.
I feel like things are slightly hectic right now. Not that I'm saying that I'm achieving all that much, that's not it at all :P
- But yea, I'm first at all not really much at the inter-webz these days. Actually at the computer in general. Hmm.. I'm not even spending all that much time in my own apartment. Lol ;O
I spend most days with lovely people. Actually one very lovely person, most of the time.
Very laid back, relaxing, most of the time.
Other than that my head is just about to burst. I'm taking medz for that.
Work will start again Monday. But to be honest I just want to kick the motherf*cking boss in the dirty nuts and make him cry like a baby. He's a looser with a head sized like the moon and a brain like a pea. yes pea.
Anyway, aside from that I have had some fun weekends the last couple of weeks, and I will be missing going to Charlys. most definitely. ;O
Well I think I will be doing something else now, since this is kinda boring :P


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